I am a mechanical engineer who graduated The University of Pittsburgh in 2022. I am currently working for the Naval Nuclear Laboratory's Bettis Atomic Power Laboratory, located in West Mifflin, PA - just outside of Pittsburgh. I primarily support robotics development work and examinations systems/techniques... and unfortunately that's all I can say without the FBI knocking on my door ;-). Though I am a mechanical engineer, I find myself spending much of my time supporting software efforts in Python as well as systems engineering work where I merge mechanical designs with control systems and sensors.
Cycling has been a huge part of my life since 2018 when I first started riding regularly. I bike to work every day and try to advocate for better public transit infrastructure both within my professional and private life. Outside of work, I frequently bake bread (from sourdough to enriched sweet loaves), read science fiction books, and partake in a variety of video games with friends and alone.
My dream is to continue working in a fast-paced R&D environment alongside as many people who are smarter than I am as possible. Wherever that dream takes me, I'll go happily.
Over the next years I hope to have the opportunity to take on more professional leadership roles within my projects. I also want to change industries eventually to diversify from nuclear. My time at Meta offices
Starting as a late-college project, this site is a side hobby of mine that keeps me up-to-date in a skill I will likely never use professionally: web development. The results of this endeavour lay here before your eyes - Instead of using a site creation tool, I built this site from the ground up. I am so far pleased with the result, though it certainly lacks in many ways -- especially content management. However, I have enjoyed the creative process and I am glad I have something very tangible to show for it.